Coalición de País



To bridge the implementation gap between laws and policies on women's land rights in Uganda.

Organizaciones de la Coalición

August 2022


The S4HL campaign in Uganda builds on previous and existing initiatives to promote and protect women’s land rights. It builds momentum for collective advocacy by bringing together women’s land rights organizations and other organizations that work on land-related issues for women such as agriculture, food security, climate change, investments, among others.

It’s a multifaceted campaign that recognizes the broad continuum of land rights in regards to WLR (access, use, control, and ownership).

The campaign positions grassroots women at the center as leaders by strengthening their participation, voice, agency, and self-efficacy in land governance in Uganda.

LEER: Estrategia de la campaña S4HL Uganda


While there are several obstacles to the realization of women land rights in Uganda, this Campaign focuses on five priority issues:


Transformación de las normas sociales y culturales discriminatorias que impiden a las mujeres acceder a la tierra, poseerla y controlarla.


Aumentar la financiación y la capacidad de las instituciones de gestión y administración de tierras para apoyar los WLR


Enhance awareness of the legal and regulatory frameworks on WLRs by rights holders, duty bearers, and community members


Enhance access to land justice for women


Reforzar la participación, la voz y la agencia de las mujeres de base en la gobernanza de la tierra.



Roundtable meetings

S4HL Uganda convenes dialogues with Government officials and other key stakeholders to discuss matters concerning land management, usage, collaboration, and strategic planning, ultimately contributing to positive social change and empowerment of women.

Grassroots Women Leaders Academies

The academies seek to establish a strong grassroots women regional base for collective advocacy on WLRs. During the Academies, women leaders from organised women's groups and community-based organisations (CBOs) are trained on how to organize, engage, and influence land governance processes.

Media campaigns

The S4HL campaign in Uganda harnesses the power of media platforms to raise awareness, mobilise support, and drive change on women's land rights issues. The campaign uses both mainstream and online media.

Community mobilisation

S4HL Uganda works with communities through dialogues and village sensitisation meetings to help individuals identify harmful social and cultural norms that restrict women from fully enjoying their full bundle of rights on land and be able to transform.


Organizaciones de la Coalición

Coordinador: Asociación Comunitaria de Uganda para el Bienestar de Mujeres y Niños (UCOBAC)


Red mundial de instrumentos relacionados con la tierra

Hábitat para la Humanidad


Coalición Nacional para el Suelo

Transparency International


Uganda Land Alliance

LandNet Uganda

Alianza por los Derechos Alimentarios

Oxfam Uganda

Act Together


Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Mujer y la Niña

Red Política Youth Plus Uganda

Junta de Tierras de Buganda

Life Concern (LICO)

Pader NGO forum

Red de Justicia de la Tierra

Acción por las Mujeres y el Despertar en el Medio Rural (AWARE)

Iniciativas Africanas de Desarrollo Rural, distrito de Mbale

Organización de Comunidades Locales Sostenibles

Centro Cultural Ateker, Karamoja

Asociación de Trabajadores Aliados

Acción para el Desarrollo (ACFODE)

Actionaid Uganda

Kigezi Women in Development (KWID)


Community Based Organisation (CBOs) / Women Organised Groups

Alianza de Atención Domiciliaria Kawempe


Rostrum for Social Development Initiative

Women and Girl Child Development (WEGCDA)

Kasaali Farmers’ Cooperative Society

Nsonso Buyamba Farmers’ SACCO

Kakuuto Network of Indigenous Voluntary Association (KANIVA)

Coalition of Women Economic Empowerment Beyond Borders (COWEB Uganda)

Butumi Akwata Empola Women’s Group

She Talk

Nakaseeta Institute for Adult Education And Development (NIFAED)

Mityante Community Centre

Biyinzika Namungo Development Orgnaization

Sirobera Poultry Women’s Group

Magala-Ntembo Saving and Credit Development Group

Tulikimu Women’s Producer Organization

Girls Outloud Luweero - Uganda

Vvamutulo Women’s Group

Basooka Kwavula Women’s Group

Kazinga Twegatte Women’s Group

Tuyimukye Cattle Rearing Group

Touch the Heart Uganda – Naalya

African Women Network



Ora Women Entrepreneurs

Zombo District Farmers Association

Charity For Hope

Pader Women Youth Champions


Pader Women Right

Kakiika Women’s Group

Action for Improved Health and Wealth

Giving Hope Foundation

Aim Home Care Uganda

United Organisation for Batwa Development in Uganda

Women for Green Economy Movement Uganda -WOGEM

Create Impact Initiative

Margaret and Emma Organisation

Champions for Women’s Land Rights Association-Amuria

Women with Disability Association (AWDA)

Touch Ministries

TEKWIP (Teso Karamoja Women Initiative For Peace)

Inspire Youth

Ask8 Center for Skills Development

Virtuous Woman Foundation


Karamoja Special Children Initiative

Aberu Kanyoutu group

Busia United Miners Association

Tiira Small Scale and Mining Association

Akobwait Womens Group

Grazia Development Foundation

Girls Support Centre


Acts of Woman

Aibuses Foundation

S4HL Uganda Partners Meeting

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Únete a nuestro creciente movimiento, recibe importantes actualizaciones de la campaña y entérate de cómo puedes ayudar a que los derechos a la tierra sean una realidad para las mujeres de todo el mundo.