Country Coalition



Representatives of organizations in the Coalition (February 2024)


To create a women-led movement for sustained advocacy on women’s land rights that leads to opportunities for women to claim and exercise their land rights with guarantees for dignified permanence.




November 2021


In Colombia, land ownership is highly concentrated, with 1% of the largest landholdings managing over 80% of the land. Women face significant challenges in accessing and securing land, often managing microholdings of less than three hectares and remaining marginalized in land titling processes.

The violence and land dispossession in Colombia have disproportionately impacted indigenous, Afro-Colombian, and peasant women, limiting communities' abilities to sustain their livelihoods. The equitable redistribution of resources and land is essential to counteract the historical exclusion and marginalization faced by these communities.

The Coalition of Caribbean Women for Land and Territory aims to consolidate a women-led movement for the sustained defense of their land and territory rights to achieve stronger legislation, policy, and enforcement on women's rights; hold the government and local actors accountable; transform discriminatory social norms and behaviors; and achieve greater visibility at national and global levels.

In our areas of operation, women lead efforts to defend their territories against the impacts of mega-projects, extractive activities, and monocultures, which often result in environmental degradation, water contamination, and increased violence.

Our work is crucial in Colombia’s post-conflict setting. By advocating for a gender-inclusive approach and building community resilience, the Coalition strives to ensure that women’s rights to land and territory are recognized and protected, fostering a more equitable and sustainable future.

READ NOW: S4HL Colombia Baseline Report (English)

LEA AHORA: Informe de referencia de S4HL Colombia (español)



Consolidate a women-led movement for the sustained defense of our land and territory rights to achieve stronger legislation, policy, and enforcement on women's rights


Hold government and local actors accountable


Transform discriminatory social norms and behaviors


Achieve greater visibility at national and global levels



Sound Series: Promoting New Masculinities

The Sound Series "Aha... And Why Not? Men Committed to Gender Equity" features audio productions and community conversation guides aimed at helping men leaders of organizations, communities, and the partners of women in the Coalition to find their own narratives about masculinities, based on the daily experiences of peasant, Afro-descendant, Afro-peasant, and Indigenous women. Through dialogues developed around the series, the initiative promotes non-violent masculinities in Montes de María, Canal del Dique, and Córdoba. By centering on communication and feminist popular education, this project aims to engage other social groups to advocate for and ensure changes in living conditions and human rights.


Feminist School: Weaving Knowledge Defending Autonomy

The Feminist School is an eight-month program featuring six modules designed for women leaders, activists, and community members from various women’s organizations. Developed by CINEP, the curriculum develops women's understanding of land and territory rights from a gender perspective. By fostering dialogue and providing training on political, theoretical, and psychosocial tools, the Feminist School aims to combat violence, strengthen resistance strategies, and increase visibility for women's rights at both national and global levels.

In-Depth Journalism

The Coalition has partnered with the independent media outlet Verdad Abierta to produce and circulate in-depth journalistic investigations. This collaboration focuses on key strategic topics of the campaign, particularly addressing resource rights, gender, agrarian issues and armed conflict.

Here are two pieces published so far:

Member Organizations

Coordinator: Centro de Investigación y Educación Popular (Cinep/PPP)

Organizaciones de Población Desplazada, Étnicas y Campesinas de Montes de María (OPDS)

Asociación de Mujeres Campesinas de Colosó (AMUCOL)

Grupo por la Defensa de la Tierra y el Territorio en Córdoba (GTTC)

Red de Mujeres Rurales del Norte de Bolívar

Corporación Desarrollo Solidario (CDS)

Corporación Comunicación Rural Montes de María


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