Country Coalition



Stand for Her Land Ethiopia Country Coalition Members at the national launch on January 31st, 2022, at the Ellily Hotel in Addis Abeba. High level renowned representatives from the government, non-government, think tanks, local CSOs, CBOs, and influencers took part in the country coalition's official launch.


Stand for Her Land Ethiopia seeks to challenge the patriarchal gender stereotypes that still prevail in society and advocate for women's land rights.




November 2022


January 2023


The Stand for Her Land (S4HL) Ethiopian Campaign promotes women's equal rights to own and use land. The movement intends to advocate for gender equality in both policy and practise as well as for women's land rights. The campaign intends to promote cooperation and teamwork among the relevant civil society organisations. It also aims to engage in frank discussion and conversation, identify discussion points from the conversation, and draw useful criticism from it in order to redesign programmes that are sensitive to gender equality.

To create and maintain healthy, thriving democracies, women must participate fully and fairly in public life. Women's land rights actually advance when they can participate equally in land rights problems as activists, voters, members of civil society, party members or leaders, public servants, and elected politicians. As a result, the project intends to carry out high-level policy discussions involving high-level government and non-government officials, academics, specialists, and religious and clan leaders. The initiative also includes the creation and distribution of several advocacy tools, position papers, and policy papers. The initiative also intends to carry out a number of assessments and investigations to better pinpoint the major gaps in women's land and property ownership.

In conclusion, the S4HL Ethiopia aims to challenge the patriarchal gender norms that still prevail in the country and promote women's land rights. Finding the gaps in the legal and policy frameworks and recommending policies and actions for the relevant government actors, civil society organisations, and grassroots women are the desired outcomes at the end of the process.



Catalyze a sustained, locally driven movement for women's land rights


Increase knowledge and resources for a diverse group of stakeholders to realize women's land rights


Engage communities in realizing women's land rights


Public Advocacy

Due to societal norms and legal restrictions, women in Ethiopia have substantial difficulties in gaining access to and ownership of land. To bring attention to these challenges and mobilise support for legislative and policy changes that would advance women's land rights, public advocacy initiatives are essential. Through public awareness campaigns, legal lobbying, and community organising, groups like the Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association and the S4HL Ethiopia Campaign are striving to advance women's land rights.

Policy Advocacy

S4HL Ethiopia seeks to advocate legislative and policy changes that will strengthen women's land rights. In particular, the campaign seeks to close any gaps in legislation and practise, and it advocates for legislation that includes provisions for gender-equitable land rights. Additionally, the campaign aims to increase public and policymaker knowledge of the value of women's land rights for gender equality and sustainable development.

Capacity Sharing

The S4HL Ethiopia campaign works to increase the ability of country coalition members, members of subnational coalitions, grassroots women, individuals, and women's organisations to speak out for their land rights. The initiative is offering training and materials to women's organisations on subjects like advocacy, legal literacy, land management, land certification and entitlement, and land rights. Stand for Her Land is encouraging women to assert their land rights and take on leadership roles in their communities through various capacity-building initiatives.

Social Norms and Behavior Change

Women's access to and ownership of land and property in Ethiopia has long been hampered by deeply ingrained cultural and societal conventions, notably the denial of legitimate inheritance. The Stand for Her Land movement understands the importance of addressing these standards in order to protect women's land rights. The campaign aims to increase community understanding of the value of women's land rights and the consequences of rejecting them. As part of its effort to advance more gender-equitable land ownership and inheritance norms and practises, the campaign also interacts with traditional and religious leaders.

Member Organizations

Coordinator: Habitat for Humanity Ethiopia

Action for Development (AFD)

Consortium of Ethiopian Human Rights Organizations (CEHRO)

Cuso International

Ethiopian Human Rights Council (EHRCo)

Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association

Ethiopian Women Federation (EWF)


Land for Life (LfL)

Movement for Ecological Learning and Community Action (MELCA Eth.)

Mujejeguwa Loka Women Development Association (MLWDA)

Organization for Rehabilitation and Development in Amhara (ORDA)

Population, Health & Environment- Ethiopia Consortium (PHE-EC)

Policy Studies Institute (PSI)

Setawit Movement (Feminist Movement)

Union of Ethiopian Women and Children Association (UEWCA)

Young Lives

Additional Resources

Short Film on S4HL Ethiopia

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