Country Coalition

Woman walks along the field in Oussouye, a town in Senegal.
To catalyze a sustained, locally-driven movement for women’s land rights and equip diverse stakeholders with the knowledge and resources to realize those rights in practice.
December 2021
Substantial work to strengthen women’s land rights is ongoing in Senegal, in large part due to national and local CSOs with deep expertise and experience. Yet necessary resources and a coordinating mechanism hold this work back from acting on shared goals.
Stand for Her Land Senegal brings the unifying strategy to build political will and bridge the implementation gap between policy and practice around women’s land rights. Under S4HL Senegal, the Coalition members support efforts to change behaviors and norms, engage men as champions of rural women’s land rights, include youth and other marginalized groups, and support advocacy at local, regional, and national levels.
Institutional support
After identifying strategic opportunities to support government institutions and decision-makers, S4HL Senegal Coalition members plan to offer trainings for local land administration officials to increase the proportion of women receiving an official land document in rural and peri-urban areas, as well as increase gender parity in staffing municipal land bureaus.
Peaceful marches
The S4HL Senegal Coalition will work with broad land rights, women’s rights, housing, and climate action movements and national and local levels to link land and gender to other critical issues. The Coalitions will hold public dialogues to amplify women’s voices and draw attention to the power of women’s land rights, and organize peaceful marches to build the movement and demand women’s land rights.
Community dialogues
S4HL Senegal will engage with traditional and religious leaders, women, men, and youth to identify key women’s land rights issues and perspectives along with relevant social norms and impacts of COVID-19. Then, Coalition members will design community conversations centered on these topics and connect learnings to national level advocacy efforts for women’s land rights.
Member Organizations
Coordinator: Pan-African Institute for Citizenship, Consumers and Development (CICODEV)
ActionAid Senegal
Association des Juristes Senegalaises (AJS)
Enda Pronat
Federation des Association Feminines du Senegal (FAFS)
Groupe d'Initiatives pour le Progrès Social/West Africa Region (GIPS/WAR)
Initiative Prospective Agricole et Rurale (IPAR)
Innovations Environnement Developpement (IED) Afrique
Réseau National des Femmes Rurales du Sénégal (RNFR)
Senegal National Council for Concertation and Rural Cooperation (CNCR)
Women in Law and Development in Africa (WILDAF) Senegal
TDR etude de base – Coalition Senegal
Cabinet de recherche pour faire activité de réalisation de l'étude de base de l'initiative de plaidoyer pour la reconnaissance des droits fonciers des femmes au Sénégal