Nation Leadership Forum: Women’s rights are human rights

This segment aired live on NTV on Thursday, May 5th:

Land is the foundation for shelter, food security, economic development, and climate resilience. But in many countries in Africa, women face legal and cultural barriers that prevent them from enjoying equal rights to land. This has major implications for their livelihoods, security, and their status within their homes and communities. Changes are needed to ensure that women have uninhibited access to land and the power to make their own decisions about land use. Such changes are foundational for fostering human rights and democracy in Africa.

Stand for Her Land partnered with Nation Media Group to host the Nation Leadership Forum in Kampala, Uganda, on Thursday, May 5. The event brought together representatives from government, civil society, and grassroots women to discuss issues of land governance, gender equality, and how women are organizing to break down barriers to land rights in Uganda and across Africa.

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