In February, Stand for Her Land embarked on a monthlong Africa launch tour through Senegal and Uganda, culminating in a regional launch event in Nairobi, Kenya on International Women’s Day.
Kicking off in Senegal, Stand for Her Land partners visited communities outside of Dakar to listen and learn from women about their experiences with land. Country Coalition members participated in a two-day strategy workshop to share current activities and visions for women’s land rights and finalize a declaration of purpose.

Next up came Uganda, where Stand for Her Land held stakeholder dialogues with government and civil society partners, a national Coalition strategic planning workshop, a visit to an informal settlement community in urban Kampala’s most densely populated area, and field visits in Northern and Eastern Uganda to learn about ongoing efforts to strengthen women’s land rights.

Stand for Her Land’s regional campaign launch event in Nairobi featured speakers for each of our six country coalitions in addition to representatives from UN Women, the Government of Germany, the International Land Coalition, and the Kenya Land Commission. Live attendance reached almost 200 people and many more were able to participate virtually.

This launch tour and regional event amplified the start of coordinated campaign activities in Ethiopia, Senegal, and Uganda, and continued momentum in our pilot Coalition in Tanzania. Coalitions comprise local grassroots organizations, national civil society organizations, and other non-state actors working towards the shared goal of stronger women’s land rights. Stand for Her Land supports these groups by building a mechanism for coordination and additional resources so their work can have even greater impact. Already, nearly 100 groups worldwide are mobilizing to Stand for Her Land!