NEW VIDEO: Social Change Maker Rita Murmu, community leader in Dinajpur

Hear from Rita Murmu, social change maker and community leader, and various people from her community about their journey to learn about, strengthen, and then take action for women's land rights in Chehelgazi, Dinajpur, Bangladesh.

Her Land O’clock Podcast on Gender Responsive Land Governance and WLRs

In a new episode, UCOBAC's Ritah Kemigisa sits down with Enoc Mutahi, the Senior Land Management Officer for Mityana District, as he shares his perspectives on gender and women's land rights, highlighting gaps and capacity needs within land administration and management institutions to advance gender-responsive land services.

National Alliance of Women and Land welcomes new measures taken by the Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Livestock

DAKAR — The S4HL Senegal coalition welcomes the recent decisions taken by the new authorities to improve land management, and calls for them to account for the specific needs of vulnerable groups, particularly women and young people.

Case Study from S4HL Ethiopia: Women’s Land Rights and Land Degradation Neutrality

ETHIOPIA — Strong and equitable rights to land—and in particular women’s land rights (WLR)—are an essential foundation for efforts to address land degradation and to support sustainable land management. Using a gender equality and social inclusion lens, this case study describes Ethiopia’s acute situation regarding land degradation neutrality and unique situation regarding WLR.

S4HL is a WLR Commitment Maker

Stand for Her Land is a proud member of the Generation Equality Feminist Action for Climate Justice (FACJ) Action Coalition, where we are joined by an inspiring group of organizations working toward gender and climate justice. We’re excited to be one of the featured “55 Stories of Change” that FACJ released at UN CSW68 on Monday, March 18.

Press Release: New partnerships reinforce a growing movement for women’s land rights

New partners to Stand for Her Land Campaign including International Senior Lawyers Project, LandBridge, Land Portal, and UN Women reflect growing support for the movement for women’s rights to land with institutions from government and civil society.

The Campaign That’s Building Solidarity for Women’s Land Rights

In this conversation with Girls Globe, Landesa's Dr. Monica Mhoja speaks about how Stand for Her Land is organizing across countries and at the grassroots level to advocate and create opportunities for change.

Open letter in response to the national emergency regarding violence against women in Colombia

In May, a national emergency regarding gender violence was declared in Colombia. The Coalition of Caribbean Women for Land and Territory wrote an open letter addressed to the women who are no longer here because they have been murdered; to those of us who are still here living day by day the situation of violence and resisting it; to our communities where many times we are not safe and to the Colombian State.

NEW TOOL: The WLR Platform

The Women's Land Rights (WLR) Platform is a unique and powerful web-based resource that provides an inclusive space for women across the world to share and document their experiences and perspectives around land rights – amplifying voices, increasing visibility, building strategic cohesion, and advancing collaboration between WLR stakeholders. Learn more about the Platform and explore the map now.

Global Land Alliance joins growing women’s land rights movement

New members to Stand for Her Land help reinforce data advocacy efforts and improve understanding of impacts of gender-equal land rights.