Women in Senegal face challenges accessing land and livelihoods

As Stand for Her Land and the S4HL Senegal Coalition prepare to launch the campaign in Senegal, partners visited communities outside of Dakar to listen and learn from women about their experiences with land.

Customs and traditions often “exclude women from having a voice, let alone claim for land,” pronounced one woman. While some women explained their challenges accessing land, others expressed the need for support in developing their land for use and accessing markets to sell their produce.

According to women in these communities, equal rights on paper is not enough. To ensure women take advantage of their legal rights, knowledge sharing and capacity building are essential.

S4HL Senegal is catalyzing a sustained, locally-driven movement to flip this script around women’s land rights. By building political will through all levels of advocacy support and engaging diverse stakeholders, the Senegal Coalition sees a future where all women have the power to access, own, and benefit from their land.

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