Droits Fonciers et Inégalités de Genre au Sénégal (French)

In Senegal, despite the existence of legal provisions and international commitments to promote gender equality in land rights, women continue to face significant challenges in accessing and controlling land. While the 2001 Constitution explicitly prohibits gender-based discrimination in property rights, traditional practices and patriarchal norms often limit women’s access to land. Traditionally, land is a ...

Women’s Land Rights in Ethiopia: Supporting Land Degradation Neutrality

Strong and equitable rights to land—and in particular women’s land rights (WLR)—are an essential foundation for efforts to address land degradation and to support sustainable land management. This case study describes Ethiopia’s acute situation regarding LDN and unique situation regarding WLR.

An Equal Stake in the Soil: Bangladesh Baseline Study Report

The goal of this mixed methods study is to support the development of pilot interventions, conducted under the US Department of State-funded “Equal Stake in the Soil” project in Bangladesh, to address social norms and behavior change (SNBC) and legal literacy related to women's land rights and to provide a baseline description of existing social norms, behaviors, and levels of legal literacy prior to implementing the interventions.

An analysis on women’s land rights in the rural communities of Bangladesh

Identification of legal and policy gaps regarding women’s access to land rights, social norms and behavioral practices among different communities.