Land Rights: Why Women Should Own Land

Chimp Reports — Caroline Kayanja from UCOBAC and S4HL Uganda spoke at an event on gender inclusive land registration. She said, “we have invested in enacting laws and revising laws; can we also put some effort into implementing these laws to work for women?”

Wives warned against signing off land purchases as mere witnesses

The Observer — UCOBAC and the S4HL Uganda coalition organized a dialogue on women’s land rights issues and harmful cultural beliefs that perpetuate further injustices.

E7: Land for Equity

Food4Transformation — Beth Roberts, Landesa's lead for the Stand for Her Land Campaign, was interviewed in Food4Transformation's latest podcast episode about access to land, financial services, and gender equality.

Hundreds Attend Women In Agrifood Systems Gathering

HARVEST MONEY — S4HL Uganda helped organize a conference on critical issues affecting women in agrifood systems. Participants included women in agribusiness, representatives from government ministries and departments, agencies, the private sector, financial institutions, academia, non-governmental organizations and civil society organizations.

Women’s Land Rights in Farming Need Further Recognition

IPS NEWS — "Land is pre-conditional to gender equality and sustainable development.” S4HL's Esther Mwaura-Muiru was quoted during the CSW68 session on Women’s Resource Rights to Advance Gender Equality, Poverty Alleviation, and Food Security in Agriculture hosted by IFAD and the Government of Canada.

Authorities Concerned about Increase in Number of Gender-based Land Conflicts

PERIL OF AFRICA — S4HL Uganda, along with partners UCOBAC and LOSCO, organized a human rights dialogue to discuss the increasing number of gender-based land conflicts in Kabale District.

How funding gap is crippling women’s struggle for land justice

THE MONITOR — Ritah Kemigisa, the S4HL Campaign Communications Associate in Uganda, decries challenges faced by her gender due to a dual legal system that blends formal and cultural laws.

Museveni moves to ban army from land matters

THE MONITOR — S4HL Uganda advocate Ritah Kemigisa comments on how the president's decision to ban the army from engaging in land matters helps protect women's land rights by creating a safer environment for women.

Sin agua potable no es posible disfrutar del territorio

COLOMBIA — En la lucha por el agua y el territorio, las mujeres han jugado un papel protagónico en María La Baja, Colombia. Verdad Abierta conversó con mujeres de tres comunidades rurales de María La Baja, que trabajan por conseguir agua potable para sus comunidades, mientras persisten las afectaciones a la salud pública por no contar con un preciado líquido de calidad.

In the struggle for water and territory, women have played a leading role in María La Baja, Colombia. Verdad Abierta spoke with women from three rural communities in María La Baja, who are working to obtain drinking water for their communities, while public health is still affected by the lack of quality water.

Sénégal: Accès au foncier – Signature d’une convention entre CICODEV et des organisations de femmes rurales

Agence de Presse Sénégalaise (APS) — Une convention de partenariat a été signée mercredi à Koussanar entre CICODEV et quatre organisations faitières de femmes rurales dans le cadre de la campagne « Stand for her land » pour l'accès au foncier.

A partnership agreement was signed on Wednesday in Koussanar between CICODEV and four rural women's umbrella organizations as part of the "Stand for Her Land" campaign for access to land.