Case Study from S4HL Ethiopia: Women’s Land Rights and Land Degradation Neutrality

ETHIOPIA — Strong and equitable rights to land—and in particular women’s land rights (WLR)—are an essential foundation for efforts to address land degradation and to support sustainable land management. Using a gender equality and social inclusion lens, this case study describes Ethiopia’s acute situation regarding land degradation neutrality and unique situation regarding WLR.

Owning land has offered me a taste of good life

NATION KENYA — Esther Mwaura-Muiru, S4HL global advocacy director, shares stories about how the campaign's advocacy efforts have already borne fruit. “In Uganda, Karamojong traditional leaders have organised themselves to push for women land rights. In Senegal we are seeing religious leaders support the cause too.”

Realising Ethiopian Women’s Rights to Land

LAND PORTAL — The S4HL Ethiopia Coalition's partnership with GIZ and the Women's Land Rights Task Force will help align resources, networks, and efforts for the common vision of strengthening women's land rights.

Stand With Us: A Call to Action for Women’s Land, Housing, and Property Rights for People and Planet

27 JUNE 2023 — The Stand With Us global webinar will bring together Stand for Her Land coalitions and partners from six countries to share their progress in implementing the campaign since its launch in March 2022.

A major milestone for women’s land rights in Ethiopia

Country coalition lead Habitat for Humanity Ethiopia signed an agreement with the German Agency for International Cooperation and the Ethiopian government’s Women’s Land Rights Task Force to cooperate on strengthening women’s land and property rights in Ethiopia.