ILC Africa at the Landac Conference

ILC Africa's Jane Njeri Mwangi summarizes two sessions hosted by Stand for Her Land at the 2024 Landac Conference. The conference brought together various stakeholders from academia, land practitioners, civil society, and researchers to deliberate on the key conference themes.

Quarterly Updates – August 2024

Catch up on the latest updates from each S4HL coalition.

Less than 15% of women have access to land: The cry from the heart of the National Women and Land Alliance

Azactu — The S4HL Senegal coalition was profiled for their work to create a Senegal where men and women are aware of the importance of respecting women's rights in terms of access, effective control, security and development of land resources. Senegal coalition member Ndiouck Mbaye said, “although the situations are varied, the majority of women have restricted and provisional rights.”

National Alliance of Women and Land welcomes new measures taken by the Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Livestock

DAKAR — The S4HL Senegal coalition welcomes the recent decisions taken by the new authorities to improve land management, and calls for them to account for the specific needs of vulnerable groups, particularly women and young people.

Sénégal: Accès au foncier – Signature d’une convention entre CICODEV et des organisations de femmes rurales

Agence de Presse Sénégalaise (APS) — Une convention de partenariat a été signée mercredi à Koussanar entre CICODEV et quatre organisations faitières de femmes rurales dans le cadre de la campagne « Stand for her land » pour l'accès au foncier.

A partnership agreement was signed on Wednesday in Koussanar between CICODEV and four rural women's umbrella organizations as part of the "Stand for Her Land" campaign for access to land.

Owning land has offered me a taste of good life

NATION KENYA — Esther Mwaura-Muiru, S4HL global advocacy director, shares stories about how the campaign's advocacy efforts have already borne fruit. “In Uganda, Karamojong traditional leaders have organised themselves to push for women land rights. In Senegal we are seeing religious leaders support the cause too.”

Stand With Us: A Call to Action for Women’s Land, Housing, and Property Rights for People and Planet

27 JUNE 2023 — The Stand With Us global webinar will bring together Stand for Her Land coalitions and partners from six countries to share their progress in implementing the campaign since its launch in March 2022.

16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence

The denial of women’s land rights is a form of gender-based violence. Learn more about the action we're taking and what you can do to stand up and speak out against GBV.

Sénégal-Femmes rurales : Lancement de la campagne “Défendre sa terre”

Un résumé du lancement en novembre de la campagne Stand for Her Land au Sénégal a été diffusé par Medi1TV Afrique.  //  A summary of the November launch of the Stand for Her Land Campaign in Senegal was aired by Medi1TV Afrique. (In French)

Sénégal : une campagne pour promouvoir le droit foncier des femmes

APA News a présenté la coalition Stand for Her Land Sénégal et ses objectifs à terme. //

APA News profiled the Stand for Her Land Senegal coalition and their long-term objectives. (Article in French) ...