The nexus between gender, land rights and climate change

THE MONITOR — UCOBAC's Frances Birungi Odong explains how women in Uganda are more impacted by climate change than men, which is why securing women’s land rights has become critical in the war against climate change.

W7 Takeover: What commitments would G7 Leaders make if gender equality advocates had their say?

Equal Measures 2030 featured S4HL Global Advocacy Director Esther Mwaura-Muiru in a survey of gender equality advocates, asking these leaders how they would urge the G-7 countries to fulfill commitments to women’s rights and empowerment.

To Avert the Next Humanitarian Crisis, Empower Women and Girls

It is time to honor women as guardians – of the soils that grow our food and the forests that stand as a bulwark against climate change. To honor them is to support their work, learn from their experiences, listen to their wisdom, and include them at all decision-making tables.

Food security, climate resilience hinge on women’s land rights

Via Diplomatic Courier — At COP27, Stand for Her Land’s Esther Mwaura Muiru​ and former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman speak about climate resilience and food security and how women’s land rights are an essential part of the solution at the intersection of both issues.

Sénégal-Femmes rurales : Lancement de la campagne “Défendre sa terre”

Un résumé du lancement en novembre de la campagne Stand for Her Land au Sénégal a été diffusé par Medi1TV Afrique.  //  A summary of the November launch of the Stand for Her Land Campaign in Senegal was aired by Medi1TV Afrique. (In French)

At COP27, a Call to Root Climate Action and Justice in Land Rights for Women and Rural Communities

In Bangladesh’s Sundarbans, life revolves around coastal mangrove forests. But as climate change effects worsen, livelihoods are under threat. Read about what global actors at COP27 can do amid the deepening climate crisis in a piece by ALRD's Moni Rowshan and Landesa's Rachel McMonagle.

Secure land rights offer an equitable solution in the face of the climate crisis

Rowshan Moni Jahan, ALRD Deputy Executive Director, explains the vital nature of inclusive land rights for Bangladesh’s climate resilience.

Sénégal : une campagne pour promouvoir le droit foncier des femmes

APA News a présenté la coalition Stand for Her Land Sénégal et ses objectifs à terme. //

APA News profiled the Stand for Her Land Senegal coalition and their long-term objectives. (Article in French) ...

The rise and rise of African feminists’ movements

The S4HL campaign was profiled by The Nation in a piece about current movements in Africa to safeguard women’s rights. The initiative’s global advocacy director Esther Mwaura Muiru said: “When women don’t own the land they live and work on, they become trapped in patriarchal systems that reinforce gender inequalities.”

Land Tenure: A Cross-Cutting Solution for Poverty, Climate Change, and Women’s Rights

The S4HL Campaign is profiled in a Skoll article for its work at the global and grassroots levels to increase awareness, generate resources, build capacity, and change mindsets about the relationship between women and land.