New Short Film: “The Land Is Our Mother” – Stand for Her Land Kenya
Watch a new film from S4HL Kenya about coalition member Northern Vision, a community-based organization that is helping build a future where women lead, families thrive, and communities live in harmony with their land.
New Short Film: Challenges related to women’s access to land in Senegal
An overview of the issue of women's access to land in Senegal shows that they are land users and pillars of agricultural development. But, in general, they do not have secure access to land.
New Short Film: Stand for Her Land in Ethiopia
S4HL Ethiopia has released an inspiring new short film highlighting the challenges women face in securing land rights—and the transformative impact of the Stand for Her Land Campaign.
New Video: A Thousand Voices
Around 2,500 people, mostly landless and Indigenous women from around Bangladesh, attended a mass gathering in Dinajpur and raised their voices strongly against the "Zero Landless" declaration of the government. The event was organized by the Community Development Association (CDA) and ALRD with the support of the Stand for Her Land (S4HL) Campaign.
NEW VIDEO: Social Change Maker Rita Murmu, community leader in Dinajpur
Hear from Rita Murmu, social change maker and community leader, and various people from her community about their journey to learn about, strengthen, and then take action for women's land rights in Chehelgazi, Dinajpur, Bangladesh.
Emergence of a Change Maker: Monira Begum, paralegal of Faridpur
Watch a new video about Monira Begum and other community women and men in Bangladesh who were trained as paralegals on women’s land rights and social norms change. They now work together to support other community women who are facing land-related difficulties and access to government support systems.
Sin agua potable no es posible disfrutar del territorio
COLOMBIA — En la lucha por el agua y el territorio, las mujeres han jugado un papel protagónico en María La Baja, Colombia. Verdad Abierta conversó con mujeres de tres comunidades rurales de María La Baja, que trabajan por conseguir agua potable para sus comunidades, mientras persisten las afectaciones a la salud pública por no contar con un preciado líquido de calidad.
In the struggle for water and territory, women have played a leading role in María La Baja, Colombia. Verdad Abierta spoke with women from three rural communities in María La Baja, who are working to obtain drinking water for their communities, while public health is still affected by the lack of quality water.
Beyond Land Access, Control, and Ownership: Rural Women’s Call
For Rural Women's Day, the S4HL Tanzania Coalition in collaboration with the Ministry of Community Development, Gender, Women and Special Group organized a Rural Women Forum in Arusha. It was a space for rural women to learn about and share real-life stories on issues related to land rights, women’s role on land governance, climate action leadership, and food security.
Land is power: act now to end inequality
Equal inheritance rights are a path toward achieving an equitable, hopeful future; they are positively associated with higher levels of women’s entrepreneurship and can lead to economic empowerment. Read Monoara's story and how equal inheritance rights can help us achieve transformative change now.
Our experience at the first module of the Feminist School
ZAMBRANO, COLOMBIA — Darlis Rojas and the Communication & Research Committee of the Colombian Coalition share their experiences from the first Feminist School workshop on rights to land and territory.