New Short Film: Challenges related to women’s access to land in Senegal

An overview of the issue of women's access to land in Senegal shows that they are land users and pillars of agricultural development. But, in general, they do not have secure access to land.

New Short Film: Stand for Her Land in Ethiopia

S4HL Ethiopia has released an inspiring new short film highlighting the challenges women face in securing land rights—and the transformative impact of the Stand for Her Land Campaign.

New Video: A Thousand Voices

Around 2,500 people, mostly landless and Indigenous women from around Bangladesh, attended a mass gathering in Dinajpur and raised their voices strongly against the "Zero Landless" declaration of the government. The event was organized by the Community Development Association (CDA) and ALRD with the support of the Stand for Her Land (S4HL) Campaign.

S4HL at COP16

Stand for Her Land representatives from around the world will be at UNCCD COP16 this December. Learn more about our events, advocacy messages, and more.

Iniciativa de educación y comunicación popular sobre masculinidades no violentas

COLOMBIA — La coalición S4HL Colombia ha desarrollado la iniciativa de educación y comunicación popular, "Ajá... ¿y por qué no? Hombres comprometidos con la equidad de género." Comprende cinco capítulos de producciones sonoras en español sobre masculinidades no violentas y una guía pedagógica para acompañar conversaciones comunitarias con hombres líderes de organizaciones, comunidades y compañeros de las mujeres de la Coalición.

The S4HL Colombia coalition has developed the popular education and communication initiative "Aha... And Why Not? Men Committed to Gender Equity." It includes five chapters of sound productions in Spanish on non-violent masculinities and a pedagogical guide to accompany community conversations with male leaders of organizations, communities and partners of women in the Coalition.

Quarterly Updates – August 2024

Catch up on the latest updates from each S4HL coalition.

New case study supports gender-equitable land rights to reach land degradation neutrality

Landesa and S4HL Ethiopia have released a case study on land degradation neutrality policy in the country, its impact, and its relationship to women’s land rights.

Confronting land degradation via women’s land rights

When women do have secure land rights, they are able to invest in sustainable land management practices that restore degraded lands and prevent future harm.

NEW VIDEO: Social Change Maker Rita Murmu, community leader in Dinajpur

Hear from Rita Murmu, social change maker and community leader, and various people from her community about their journey to learn about, strengthen, and then take action for women's land rights in Chehelgazi, Dinajpur, Bangladesh.

Her Land O’clock Podcast on Gender Responsive Land Governance and WLRs

In a new episode, UCOBAC's Ritah Kemigisa sits down with Enoc Mutahi, the Senior Land Management Officer for Mityana District, as he shares his perspectives on gender and women's land rights, highlighting gaps and capacity needs within land administration and management institutions to advance gender-responsive land services.