Women’s Land Rights “Pot Song” — S4HL Bangladesh

The Bangladesh coalition produced a "pot song," a form of folk storytelling, to help raise awareness about women’s land rights around the country.

International Widows Day Webinar

23 JUNE 2023 — WiLDAF Tanzania and Landesa Tanzania have organized a strategic webinar session to gather more than 100 participants from multidisciplinary groups to reflect and strategize on bridging the policy and practice gap to strengthen women’s land rights, especially for widows.

Stand With Us: A Call to Action for Women’s Land, Housing, and Property Rights for People and Planet

27 JUNE 2023 — The Stand With Us global webinar will bring together Stand for Her Land coalitions and partners from six countries to share their progress in implementing the campaign since its launch in March 2022.

A major milestone for women’s land rights in Ethiopia

Country coalition lead Habitat for Humanity Ethiopia signed an agreement with the German Agency for International Cooperation and the Ethiopian government’s Women’s Land Rights Task Force to cooperate on strengthening women’s land and property rights in Ethiopia.

Statement: The life of one of our colleagues in Colombia is at risk

We reject the violence that Jemima and the women of the cabildo have faced after making denunciations against an aggressor. We decry the danger to which they are exposed and call for urgency in taking the protective measures that this case deserves.

VIDEO: It’s Time to Stand for Her Land

Learn more about the movement to strengthen women's land rights, and to secure a better future for people and planet.

Report: An analysis on women’s land rights in the rural communities of Bangladesh

This assessment examines identification of legal and policy gaps regarding women’s access to land rights, social norms, and behavioral practices among different communities.

16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence

The denial of women’s land rights is a form of gender-based violence. Learn more about the action we're taking and what you can do to stand up and speak out against GBV.

Launch of the Stand for Her Land Campaign in Colombia

BOGOTA — On October 25, the Coalition of Women in the Caribbean Region will launch "Caribbean Women for Land and Territory", part of the global Stand For Her Land campaign.

The rise and rise of African feminists’ movements

The S4HL campaign was profiled by The Nation in a piece about current movements in Africa to safeguard women’s rights. The initiative’s global advocacy director Esther Mwaura Muiru said: “When women don’t own the land they live and work on, they become trapped in patriarchal systems that reinforce gender inequalities.”