A campaign to strengthen women’s land rights | TALK SHOW

Jimmy Ochom (Oxfam Uganda) and Doreen Kobusingye (National Land Coalition) were interviewed on NTV Uganda's live talk show about closing the implementation gap on women's land rights.

Securing land tenure for women and girls to promote climate change resilience

CIFOR Forest News mentioned the S4HL Campaign in their summary of the CSW66 side event on "Securing Women’s and Girls’ Land Tenure to promote Communities Resilience to Climate Change and to advance on sustainable Economic Justice & Rights."

Ending land tenure system discrimination

Khadija Mrisho writes about the integral role that women farmers play in rural areas in Tanzania, and best practices for closing the implementation gap to achieve gender-equitable land rights.

The foundation for women’s empowerment, global food security and the eradication of poverty is beneath our feet

Beth Roberts, Landesa's Center for Women's Land Rights Director, explores the critical importance of securing women's land rights and provides an update on recent activities under the Stand For Her Land campaign.

Reuters: Coronavirus seen delaying justice for Iraqi women displaced by war

Landesa’s Chief of Advocacy and Stand For Her Land Secretariat, Jennifer Abrahamson is quoted in this recent article published by the Thomson Reuters Foundation which explains how the coronavirus pandemic is exacerbating the difficulties for Iraqi women displaced by war and how crises in general have this effect in countries where women’s land rights are not well established.