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News & Events


Our experience at the first module of the Feminist School

ZAMBRANO, COLOMBIA — Darlis Rojas and the Communication & Research Committee of the Colombian Coalition share their experiences from the first Feminist School workshop on rights to land and territory.

VIDEO: It’s Time to Stand for Her Land

Learn more about the movement to strengthen women's land rights, and to secure a better future for people and planet.

Report: An analysis on women’s land rights in the rural communities of Bangladesh

This assessment examines identification of legal and policy gaps regarding women’s access to land rights, social norms, and behavioral practices among different communities.

16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence

The denial of women’s land rights is a form of gender-based violence. Learn more about the action we're taking and what you can do to stand up and speak out against GBV.

Food security, climate resilience hinge on women’s land rights

Via Diplomatic Courier — At COP27, Stand for Her Land’s Esther Mwaura Muiru​ and former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman speak about climate resilience and food security and how women’s land rights are an essential part of the solution at the intersection of both issues.

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March 11-22, 2024

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