Press Release: New partnerships reinforce a growing movement for women’s land rights
New partners to Stand for Her Land Campaign including International Senior Lawyers Project, LandBridge, Land Portal, and UN Women reflect growing support for the movement for women’s rights to land with institutions from government and civil society.
Authorities Concerned about Increase in Number of Gender-based Land Conflicts
PERIL OF AFRICA — S4HL Uganda, along with partners UCOBAC and LOSCO, organized a human rights dialogue to discuss the increasing number of gender-based land conflicts in Kabale District.
To invest in women’s economic empowerment, finance solutions from the ground up
To close the gap on women's land rights, we must challenge discriminatory social norms, empower grassroots women to lead, and finance solutions from the ground up.
How funding gap is crippling women’s struggle for land justice
THE MONITOR — Ritah Kemigisa, the S4HL Campaign Communications Associate in Uganda, decries challenges faced by her gender due to a dual legal system that blends formal and cultural laws.
Museveni moves to ban army from land matters
THE MONITOR — S4HL Uganda advocate Ritah Kemigisa comments on how the president's decision to ban the army from engaging in land matters helps protect women's land rights by creating a safer environment for women.