S4HL at CSW69
Stand for Her Land representatives from around the world will be at CSW69 this March. Learn more about our events and advocacy messages.
Beyond Land Access, Control, and Ownership: Rural Women’s Call
For Rural Women's Day, the S4HL Tanzania Coalition in collaboration with the Ministry of Community Development, Gender, Women and Special Group organized a Rural Women Forum in Arusha. It was a space for rural women to learn about and share real-life stories on issues related to land rights, women’s role on land governance, climate action leadership, and food security.
International Widows Day Webinar
23 JUNE 2023 — WiLDAF Tanzania and Landesa Tanzania have organized a strategic webinar session to gather more than 100 participants from multidisciplinary groups to reflect and strategize on bridging the policy and practice gap to strengthen women’s land rights, especially for widows.
Stand With Us: A Call to Action for Women’s Land, Housing, and Property Rights for People and Planet
27 JUNE 2023 — The Stand With Us global webinar will bring together Stand for Her Land coalitions and partners from six countries to share their progress in implementing the campaign since its launch in March 2022.
16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence
The denial of women’s land rights is a form of gender-based violence. Learn more about the action we're taking and what you can do to stand up and speak out against GBV.
“Bridge the gap” and deliver land rights to women, say campaigners
Lack of access to and control over land is causing widespread suffering for rural women in Uganda, and even for women who hold a Certificate of Customary Ownership, the clash between culture and modernity threatens hardship for millions.
Nation Leadership Forum: Women’s rights are human rights
Stand for Her Land partnered with Nation Media Group to host the Nation Leadership Forum in Kampala, Uganda. The event brought together representatives from government, civil society, and grassroots women to discuss issues of land governance, gender equality, and how women are organizing to break down barriers to land rights in Uganda and across Africa.
Securing land tenure for women and girls to promote climate change resilience
CIFOR Forest News mentioned the S4HL Campaign in their summary of the CSW66 side event on "Securing Women’s and Girls’ Land Tenure to promote Communities Resilience to Climate Change and to advance on sustainable Economic Justice & Rights."
Women, Deeds, and Dirt: Confront the Climate Crisis, Uproot Gender Inequality (Recorded Event)
This event examines the intersection of women's land rights, sustainable land use, and the climate crisis by: highlighting the connection between gender-sensitive land rights reforms and climate change mitigation and adaptation, and discussing sustainable land use strategies related to women’s skills and knowledge, such as in water and agriculture.
Confronting the Climate Crisis, Uprooting Gender Inequality (CSW66 Parallel Event)
This CSW66 Parallel Event features voices from the S4HL campaign – grassroots leaders from both rural and urban communities who hold deep expertise on securing gender equal rights for women, and engaging men and whole communities for gender justice.